Column One- The Lion King  Column Two- The Lion King II: Simba's Pride

Column Three- The Lion King 1 1/2

You can find all of these films on DVD or video on most major online stores or auction sites. Most major retail stores do not carry these films on DVD. (At least around me) Your best bets are: eBay, Amazon, Disney Store, Froogle. I also believe that FYE can order the movie for you.

 The Lion King- Future king, Simba, is born to King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi. All animals are joyous except for Mufasa's younger brother Scar. 

Simba grows and seems to excited to be king. During which he "accidentally" wanders into an elephant graveyard with best friend, Nala. They are attacked by a pack of hyenas before Mufasa steps in to save them. 

Scar then hatches a plot to kill of Mufasa and Simba in a stampede. Sadly plan goes accordingly but Simba survives. Scar then drives him away so he can take the throne. 

Simba is found by Timone and Pumbaa who take him in and become friends with the cub under their motto : Hakuna Matata. 

When Simba gets older Nala stumbles apon him and they are happy until Simba refuses to go back home. 

Simba is visited by Rafiki who convinces Simba to go back home after seeing Mufasa in the clouds. 

Simba returns to a dried up and dead pridelands. He confronts Scar and defeats him. To which the hyenas then devour him. 

Simba retakes the throne. The movie ends with Rakiki presenting Simba and Nala's new cub. 

 The Lion King II: Simba's Pride- 

This movie starts where the last one ended. 

Rafiki presents Simba and Nala's new cub Kiara to the kingdom. 

Time passes very quickly and Kiara grows. She is extremely adventurous and wants to go explore. Unknowingly, Simba sends out Timone and Pumbaa to keep an eye on her. 

Kiara ditches them and finds her way into the outlands and meets Kovu who is the son of Zira. They and others have been exiled to the outlands. After a brief run in with crocodiles, Simba come to Kiara's aid as does Zira with Kovu. 

Simba leaves with Kiara and explains to her "We Are One" 

In the outlands Zira hatches a plot to kill Simba using Kovu. 

Once again time passes and Simba sends Kiara on her first hunt. Kiara keeps getting frustrated because she can't catch anything. She wanders into the outlands. 

Nuka and Vitani. Also children of Zira start a fire to have Kovu "save" Kiara and get a place in the Pride. The plan works, Simba allows Kovu to be in the pride. 

Kovu and Kiara then start to find out that they like each other more than they thought because they are in "Upendi". 

One morning Simba goes with Kovu and is ambushed by Zira and her pride. Simba is hurt and Nuka dies in a log slide. Zira is furious that Kovu does not follow his training and scars him across the face so he resembles Scar. 

Kovu returns and is exciled by Simba. Kiara then runs away to find Kovu. 

Zira prepares for battle as does Simba. Kovu and Kiara reach the battle grounds just as it starts. They eventually stop the war by Kiara declaring "We Are One". Zira's lionesses leave her and she falls off a cliff and into a fast moving river. 

It ends by Simba giving his blessing to Kovu and Kiara as they all stand on Pride Rock. 

 The Lion King 1 1/2-

This film was sort of a spin-off of the original movie. Basically, it's what Timone and Pumbaa were doing during the first film. 

It starts out in Timone's home where he once again ruins the tunnel the group was digging. His mother and Uncle Max decide to put him on sentry duty. 

Timone starts to day dream and doesn't realize that hyenas have sneeked up on him. He is then thrown off sentry duty by Uncle Max. 

Timone then decides to go find his "dream home". He is visited by Rafiki who tells him to "look beyond what you see". 

Timone heads off in the direction of Pride Rock and meets Pumbaa. The two venture towards Pride Rock. Finding it occupied they find a nice spot by it. 

They wake up to "I Just Can't Wait to be King" and leave because it is too noisy. 

They try Scar's lair and the gorge before falling into a river and arriving at the rainforest. There we see the part where they first come in in the first film. 

Timone explains of Simba growing up and all the hardships they worked through. 

Finally we get to the part where Nala comes in. Timone and Pumbaa upset by the relationship between Simb and Nala attempt to disrupt them, but fail. 

When Simba leaves for Pride Rock, Timone is reluctant. Pumbaa decides to leave him, but after another visit from Rafkik, thinks other wise. 

We enter in on the dead Pridelands. When we get to the part where Timone and Pumbaa are chased by the hyenas they find Ma and Uncle Max. There they start to hatch their own plot while Simba confronts Scar. 

Their plan succeeds and Simba reclaims the throne. Timone's family moves to the rainforest and the movie closes. 

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