Welcome Lion King Fans! 

 HI and welcome fellow Lion King fans! This is a place to get fun info on the bestest estest movie EVER MADE! *Dramatic Music* This site is run by the two founders would wish to be known as Simba and Nala. Thanks for stopping by! Hakuna Matata!

~Simba + Nala

Disclaimer- We own NOTHING of the The Lion King. All images and lyrics, etc. are rightfully copyrighted to Disney. 

 Pages Explained: 

Home- If you can't figure this out we  can't help you. 

Character Page- A whole page with virtually all you need to know about the characters. 

Story Board- Summaries of all three movies and where to find them. 

Song Lyrics- Grouped by movie. All lyrics are completely and we even translated for you! *Shocked!* 

Merchandise- Almost every thing and anything with Simba on the front. 

Box O' Images- Random pictures from the films and other places. 

Random Craptastic!- Stuff just doesn't fall into any of these. 

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